January 2021 - LIFE RE-WEEE
Α) Identity of the project
Title/ N° |
LIFE RE-WEEE “Development and demonstration of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) prevention and reuse paradigms” - LIFE14/ENV/GR/000858
Duration |
1/1/2016 – 30/11/2020 |
Budget |
2.161.405 € |
Beneficiaries |
Coordinator: Beneficiaries:
Location of activities |
Greece, Belgium |
Website | |
Contact |
Haris Angelakopoulos, Project manager |
The LIFE RE-WEEE project aims to prevent the production of Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) and in accordance with the EU Action Plan for the Circular Economy. In order to achieve this target, infrastructures for WEEE sorting and preparing for reuse activities were developed for the first time in Greece, in the region of Attika and Central Macedonia, as well as actions for increasing public awareness and promote waste prevention culture took place, including among others, the development of the web platform Re(W)eee for exchanging or donate devices and the organization of “Repair Cafes”, events for repair and demonstration of how to repair damages of small household devices to public.
Β) Best Practices
Within the implementation of the LIFE RE-WEEE project, the good practices that emerged refer to the reduction of WEEE production and preparing for reuse as well. More specifically:
- Development of infrastructure for preparing for reuse activities WEEE (Sorting Centers - SCs) in the 2 largest regions (Attica and Central Macedonia) for the first time in Greece, operating on the basis of two different models. The Attica SC (ECORESET S.A.) operates under a private company which is also active in other activities (WEEE treatment facility), while the Central Macedonia SC (HERMES P.C.) operates on the model of “PPP” (Public-Private Partnership) in cooperation with the Municipality of Oraiokastro, regarding the provision of infrastructures and equipment for the SC operation.
- Development of technical specifications for all stages of WEEE management, in order to maximize their reuse potential, as well as to ensure the quality of Reused Electrical and Electronic Equipment (REEE) when are put on the market.
- Development of guides addressed to stakeholders (mainly Municipalities and Retailers) for the implementation of good practices for WEEE collection and increase their reuse potential.
- Pilot implementation of methods for WEEE “source sorting”, increasing their reuse potential.
- Development of Guides addressed to public with tips for extending the life of their devices, as well as guidelines how to repair them in case of simple damages.
- Organization of Repair Cafes, i.e. events for repairing small household devices of citizens for free and development an exchange / donation platform for EEE to reduce waste production and increase public awareness regarding repair and prevention.
- Development of uniform methodology and a measurement tool for the preparing for reuse of WEEE, aiming to the common implementation of the tool in the EU Member States.
C) Results
With the completion of the LIFE RE-WEEE project and the evaluation of the deliverables, the following important quantitative and qualitative results are marked:
- By the end of the project, the SCs operated for 1.5 years in total. Within this period, , about 5,000 tons of WEEE were subjected to visual inspection activities, resulting in about half quantity (2,350 tons) to be driven for further “preparing for reuse” activities. The 416 tons (18%) of those that have undergone visual inspection, have successfully passed all the stages of “preparing for reuse” activities and are characterized as EEE, while 106 tons (3,169 pieces) have already been sold in the Greek and international market. WEEE that failed in any stage of preparing for reuse activities, were driven to the affiliated treatment facilities of “Appliances Recycling” for other recycling / recovery activities.
- Special equipment, such as POS, ATMs and IT equipment (mainly laptops and tablets), presented very high reuse potential is presented by special equipment, such as POS, ATM, as well as IT equipment and specifically laptops and tablets.
- The social contribution of the project is also important through the operation of the SCs, where the 5% of the total quantity per piece that has already been put on the market, has been donated to schools and organizations, due to the increased need for distance learning and remote work.
- The above quantity results raised till the end of the project, while the two SCs will continue to operate for at least 5 years in total with the financing of “Appliances Recycling” and according to the company's business plan, while data collection from the two facilities will continue.
- The SCs infrastructures could be the base for the “preparing for reuse” activities of WEEE to achieve the national objectives by integrating them to the overall waste management facilities plan. At the same time, they could be the pilot for the development of similar facilities to be set at other Greek Regions (regarding the Local Authorities Plans) or on a smaller scale that will be developed by the Local Authorities in accordance with forthcoming Legislative Provisions.
- The technical specifications developed in the framework of the project implementation, for all the stages of WEEE management and the SCs operation aiming to the proper management of WEEE (collection, transportation, preparing for reuse) could be the base with possible integration in current Legislation, as a mandatory standard for WEEE management according to the standardization procedures of the Hellenic Organization for Standardization (ELOT).
- Taking into account the above issues, the LIFE RE-WEEE project could be the base for the implementation of the Circular Economy Strategy set by EU with, giving priority to activities regarding EEE and WEEE management.
- The project aspires to contribute with specific actions and proposals in the above directions but also to the actions of LIFE-IP CEI-Greece “Circular Economy Implementation in Greece” and in accordance to the new National Waste Management Plan (ΕΣΔΑ 2020-2030), which includes all relevant provisions for reuse and circular economy.